A Brand Guide for Navigating the Coronavirus 

 It's safe to say that the coronavirus pandemic is the black swan event of 2020. The outbreak has presented the business world with uncharted waters full of high-risk threats. Companies are being challenged and pulled in many directions. On the surface, consumers are asking what is happening with their advertising budgets and marketing strategies, but underneath the things that we can see, there are layers of core values that are being tested and tried during these unprecedented times. 

As digital specialists, it is our responsibility and privilege to serve our client’s needs in any condition, for both certain and uncertain times. In fact, our responsibility to serve our clients is tremendously important in times where ambiguity is actively present. While businesses are under scrutiny and some possibly even at risk, the coronavirus has curiously created an opportunity for brands to rise to the occasion. 

You may wonder how that could be because your news feed is flooded with content that stirs fear and warns caution. But, on the contrary, now more than ever the demand for transparency is at an all-time high. Consumers are savvy, this is nothing new. But, while consumers are forced to work from home, brands have a bigger window for attention that needs seizing. 

Social media has presented brands with a direct line of communication to their audience. There is a HUGE opportunity here now, even more than before! This is an amazing time to reflect and re-evaluate your social media strategy. Instead of pushing your promotional content, you can shift your focus and double down on content that is truly valuable to your user and their experience with your brand. 

Steer away from hard-sell content during this time. While consumers have more time on their hands to consume information, their bullsh*t radar is up and running better than ever. The consumer’s attention span has limited bandwidth for content that is outside of the scope of the current pandemic. Promo content will be a turn-off. Content that adds value and could benefit the consumer could solidify their relationship with your brand and lay the groundwork for establishing trust with your consumer(s). 

Easier said than done, right? There are five items that you can use to help measure your strategy and hold your brand accountable for the content that you are sharing during this vulnerable time. 

Steps to Act:


    Listening is the best skill to have on social media. If you listen to your audience and observe their behavior, they will tell you exactly what they want. 


    This is a very sensitive time. It's important to make adjustments to your messaging and your tone so your brand does not get dismissed for being insensitive. 


    Transparency is a core value for our company and it is also a crucial principle to have in today’s digital landscape. As we said, consumers are savvy and this is nothing new. Communicate openly with your audience and take feedback. 

  4. ADAPT

    Listen to your audience and observe their behavior. Understand what they want and adapt your strategy based on your findings. 

  5. RISE

    How can your brand help? Rise to the occasion. 

Hannah Nearpass