Batshit Crazy

Moneyball is not a feel good fairytale story that happened in a vacuum. It is a historical lesson for every organization or company, in every industry, at every stage of their business. MMedia consults a number of clients across various industries and the one common denominator is always the resistance to change. Regardless of the industry, the sand beneath their feet is constantly shifting and MMedia is often brought on board to innovate or at the very least mitigate risks associated with the inevitable changes. There will always be resistance to change and it comes with uncomfortable truths.

The uncomfortableness of these truths exists as a byproduct of the people who refuse to accept it. Their ego, tenure, self delusion, or sense of purpose are often the primary reason for not being able to accept these truths. People hate change, but it is a responsibility to highlight these truths if not for the benefit of the organization, for MMedia’s professional integrity. In the end, people in power who refuse to accept change and the truths that come with it go batshit crazy. The 2011 movie “Moneyball” embodies the changes in an industry and this scene between Boston Red Sox owner, John W. Henry and Oakland A’s General Manager Billy Beane perfectly summarizes this uncomfortable change.

"This is threatening not just a way of doing business... but in their minds, it's threatening the game. Really what it's threatening is their livelihood, their jobs. It's threatening the way they do things... and every time that happens, whether it's the government, a way of doing business, whatever, the people who are holding the reins - they have their hands on the switch - they go batshit crazy..." -John W. Henry, Moneyball 2011

Yoshi Mua