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Document The Process

When starting a new company, campaign, or project, there is a story to tell. Unlike the previous generations who only cared about the final product, audiences today are interested in the process. They don't want to hear about it, they want to see it. Too often we see horrible videography done by "professionals" in our field featuring someone talking about the process. The audience is essentially stuck, staring at this person talking about how "exciting" the process was when they... 

  • First built the company

  • Designed the new [fill in the blank]

  • Had their first [Sale, Product, Client, Success etc.]

How can anyone expect their audiences to get excited about the process if they can't visualize it. It's more than just helping the audience visualize, but rather to strike an emotional chord. What ever it is that you want them to feel about the process, should be delivered through the video. So why are there so many boring videos with a person talking the whole time? It's because they failed to take the initiative to capture the moment. While they're busy building, they forget the importance of showing that process later down the road so they can sell the product/brand/idea or what ever it was they were working on. MMedia's grassroots services started with early stage ventures and startups. We helped document and capture the most important parts of their process. It is always an exciting process for us and our partners. Worth every second. You only regret the memories you didn't capture.