Crystal Ball

Video Media is MMedia's bread and butter so it shouldn't surprise anyone when we emphasize the importance of video content for our partners. Here's a clip from a recent article published by Forbes: 

"Make more videos (but don’t worry about going viral). It doesn’t take a crystal ball to see that video is the future, not just of social media but of the Internet in general. By 2018, Cisco forecasts that 82% of all consumer Internet traffic will be video. Live and recorded video and video ads increasingly dominate our feeds across Facebook and Snapchat and are surging on Instagram, Twitter and even LinkedIn. Nearly half of businesses are already implementing social videos, with another 26% planning to implement in 2018.

Just one problem. In the race to earn video views and clicks, too many companies are missing the bigger picture. Ultimately, who’s watching your videos—and what they do after they watch—is far more important than how many people are watching. Going “viral” doesn’t mean much, after all, if you’re not reaching actual customers who want to buy something. One antidote to fixating on video vanity metrics in 2018: analytics tools that track conversions and highlight how video actually leads to the acquisition and retention of customers."

With video consumption rising and eating up the media space... We really hope that you're playing offense and building content now rather than later. No one wants to play catch up, especially when you don't need a crystal ball to know how important video content will be in 2018 and beyond.
