Union Prices

A long time ago shortly after Kodak failed to capitalize on digital photography, an unofficial union formed among photographers and videographers. They came together and agreed on a particular price they would charge for their talents. Fast forward decades later, where everyone with an instagram account and their mothers owned a digital camera: Videos and pictures today are flooded with personalized watermarks and the term "professional photographer" or "professional videographer" are saturated terms. As much as we admire the entrepreneurial spirit for freelance work as a photographer/videographer, the times have changed. Today, 75% of global internet traffic is from video content. Yet these union "professionals" are still running around charging their customers absurd prices. There is no good reason as to why it should cost $1000+ for video content. Especially when you need new video content everyday. We built this agency on a business model that produces media content in high volume and independently outside of these "union prices" so you don't have to sell a kidney for a 60 second video.
