Mobile Market

Mobile commerce is going strong, as global mobile commerce revenue is forecast to increase from an estimate of just over 170 billion U.S. dollars in 2016 to nearly 694 billion U.S. dollars in 2019. During the fourth quarter of 2016, online orders which were placed from a smartphone had an average value of 115.52 U.S. dollars, while the average value of orders placed from tablet devices stood at 106.98 U.S. dollars. About 50 percent of mobile shoppers turn to smartphone or tablets for purchasing products because of convenience, and 46 percent opted for mobile platform to save time.

80% of social media time is spent on a mobile device. No surprise here. Make sure your social media content (graphics, thumbnails, etc.) look great on mobile. People are much more likely to see it there than on desktop. 

Over 50% of smartphone users grab their smartphone immediately after waking up. I'll admit it, that includes me. Keep this in mind when scheduling your content or sending emails. If you publish/send early in the morning, people are more likely to be viewing on mobile.

71% of marketers believe mobile marketing is core to their business. For many of our tech clients, mobile marketing is the top priority and it has shown to have a high ROI.

91% of mobile users say that access to content is very important. The people have spoken. Your company should make it as easy as possible for your audience (customer) to access your content.

You can safely assume that if your buyer persona has internet they have a smartphone. People prefer reading emails on their mobile device and use their smartphones more for reading emails than for making calls. Marketers are optimizing for mobile and focusing more on mobile marketing at an increasing rate. Consumers are more likely to recommend and buy from the business that has a better mobile experience. The majority of money spent on digital advertising is targeted towards mobile. Most social media activity takes place on mobile. 

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