Video Video Video

Brands are trying in more ways than ever to connect with audiences across a range of social platforms. It is becoming harder for brands to catch our attention as competition increases and our attention spans have decreased to 8 seconds. Each day users scroll through 300 feet of content, giving brands a very small window of time to grab the users’ attention. Therefore, how can your brand start building ideas that work for the speed of feed? Here are five key trends we believe will have the biggest impact on your social media strategy in 2018.

In a mobile-first culture, video is our main consumption. In 2017, 90% of all content shared by users on social media is video. The biggest challenge is how you can capture your audience’s attention in the first 3 seconds.

At Social Media Week London, Facebook Creative Strategist Kat Hahn quoted, “Not doing short video is not an option.” Brands who are not yet using video as part of their social media strategies need to start.

The way we consume video is changing. According to Sean O’Neal from Adaptly, mobile video is the number-one fastest growing ad format in the world and has been doubling YoY. By 2020, video will make up 80% of all online consumer internet traffic and will eventually be the closest you get to a face-to-face conversation with your audience.

David Wilding, Head of Planning at Twitter, said, “Video isn’t a strategy; it’s a tactic.” Before you dive into video, you need a strategy behind what you’re doing. Make clear objectives and don’t just use video for the sake of it.

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